Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A new AEneid translation with original rhythm & idiomata

"What distinguishes this 'Aeneid' is Ahl's use of Virgil's original
meter and his line-by-line restoration of the poet's wordplay, an
element often lost in translation."

Speaking of wordplay, Byzantines wrote 'Elefanta ek muias poieis.',the Greek equivalent of "Elephantem ex musca facis." [from Apostolio, "Paroimiai", 8.14]
Horace wrote, "Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus."
And our American idiom is "You're making a mountain out of a molehill."
And then there's TV's 'Monk', if you want to expand your understanding
of the significance of these 'idiomata'.

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