Sunday, May 11, 2008

Are intellectuals destroying "America as the New Rome"?

"...for this group of radical declinists 'bad news is actually good news', and all reports of 'economic depression, unemployment, world wars and conflicts, and environmental disasters [are received] with barely concealed glee, since these events all foreshadow the final destruction of modern civilization' (Arthur Herman). Crucially for the ever-increasing influence of this dread-filled perspective of history,

'most people today are barely aware of [the influence of this] almost sadistically redemptive component of the pessimist tradition. Instead, the sowing of despair and self-doubt has become so pervasive that we accept it as a normal intellectual stance.'

Ultimately, it is the radical intelligentsia and the crisis of the cultural sphere that hold the key to the great historical questions about the fate of Rome, America and the West."

It seems that the management of our news media is strongly biased toward destructive pessimism. Unfortunately for Western Civilization, it has been selling well and heavily influencing our US politics.
"Oremus.... Permissum campana orbis." U.S.Sen. Patrick J. Leahy


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