Thursday, March 06, 2008

The William Blake Archive

"I am Orc, wreath'd round the accursed tree :
The tunes are ended : shadows pass, the morning 'gins to break :
The fiery joy that Urizen perverted to ten commands,
That night he led the starry hosts thro' the wide wilderness :
That stony law I stamp to dust ; and scatter religion abroad
To the four winds as a torn book, & none shall gather the leaves ;
But they shall rot on desert sands, & consume in bottomless deeps ;
To make the desarts bloom, & the deeps shrink to their fountains,
And to renew the fiery joy, and burst the stony roof,
That pale religious lechery, seeking Virginity,
May find it in a harlot ; and in coarse-clad honesty
The undefiled tho' ravished in her cradle night and morn :
For every thing that loves is holy, life delights in life ;
Because the soul of sweet delight can never be defil'd.
Fires enwrap the earthly globe, yet man is not consum'd ;
Amid the lustful fires he walks ; his feet becomelike brass,
His knees and thighs like silver, & his breast and head like gold."
--Wm. Blake, *America: a Prophecy*, copy O, object 10. To skip to Blake's Works

Compersion? An interesting word. I don't know if was used in classical
Latin writings but the root and prefix look quite appropriate.

Pergo, pergere is to proceed, continue or go on with and com- meaning
together, jointly. 'aspersion' comes from pergere also.

Jealousy is William Blake's term for moralism as well as what is
generally known as jealousy. He attributes most of the evils of
society to moralism/jealousy.

Percy Bysshe Shelley would have relished this term, compersion, in
his 'freedom transcending monogamy'.
(Some reponses to 'Compersion')

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