Thursday, April 19, 2007

Re: Horror of VT mass slaughter

Fox News Channel wants to protect us from the horror of 'Cho's Manifesto Package'. I've gotten a few glimpses of his video and suppose worse may have been shown on NBC tv. It would be more equitable if the media gave us a choice about viewing this material; but, of course, they would rather play nanny and make the decisions for us [just like legislators are prone to do].

Those of us who would choose to view the whole thing are not necessarily 'sickos motivated by morbid curiosity'. There are important lessons for the future of humanity to be learned from looking deeply and clearly into such material; the apparently 'most-qualified', the academically certificated are often misled by their narrow specializations and bias.

Many of us distance ourselves from such perpetrators, often attempting to dehumanize them verbally to increase our separateness. But we do share the uncanny dynamics of human nature with them and "homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" [I am human therefore I think nothing human to be alien from me] as Ciciero, Seneca, and Terence wrote so long ago. One doesn't have to believe that we are all one big soul [*Grapes of Wrath*] to be able to appreciate this.

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