Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Edith Hamilton

The dust jacket of my 1942 edition of The Greek Way relates that "Edith Hamilton has won a notable place in contemporary American letters through her books on the culture of the ancient world. A student of the classics from her earliest youth, she has read Latin and Greek all her life for her own pleasure. She was graduated from Bryn Mawr in 1894 and did graduate work in Greek and Latin at the University of Munich, to which she was the first woman ever admitted. She was for twenty-five years Head Mistress of the Bryn Mawr School for girls in Baltimore...."

Fancy that ... reading Latin and Greek "for her own pleasure"! The established hierarchy of academia was, of course, umbraged by this feminine aristo cavorting wantonly in their sancta sanctorum as you may note in some of these references:

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